Contact us.
Please get in touch so that we can help you
If nobody is available to take your call, please leave a message and we will call you back as soon as we can.
Advice Line
01473 228 270
We regret that we cannot provide advice via email.
Please call 01473 228 270 for confidential advice and support.
Lighthouse Women’s Aid Head Office
238 Felixstowe Road
Ipswich IP3 9AD
Head Office: 01473 220 770 (for general enquiries)
Email: admin@lighthousewa.org.uk
Lighthouse Women’s Centre
238 Felixstowe Road
Ipswich IP3 9AD
Telephone: 01473 228 270
Email: info@lighthousewa.org.uk
“The improvement to my life following this course has been nothing short of monumental. Thank you so much for empowerment. There are some things you just can’t out into words but please know that I am so truly grateful for the work that you do.”
“Learning about healthy relationships was really helpful (as I’d never had one!). Again I’d come to accept being treated badly as accceptable, today I wouldn’t tolerate it. I’ve learnt that the most important relationship is the one I have with myself. ”
Other organisations that may be able to help
National Domestic Violence Helpline
0808 2000 247
The 24/7 freephone National DV Helpline can provide confidential advice for women experiencing domestic abuse, or others calling on their behalf, from anywhere in the UK. They can also point you towards domestic abuse organisations in your area.
Rape Crisis
0808 802 9999
Freephone helpline for women and girls who have been raped or sexually assaulted. The helpline is open daily 12 – 2.30pm and 7pm – 9.30pm, for advice and support.
0808 802 4040
Respect runs a confidential helpline for domestic violence perpetrators (male or female). They offer information and advice to support perpetrators stop their violence and change their abusive behaviours.
Helpline is open Mon – Fri, 10am – 1pm and 2pm – 5pm.
Women’s Aid
Women’s Aid is the key national charity working to end domestic violence and abuse against women and children. They co-run the National DV Helpline with Refuge.
Men’s Advice Line
0808 801 0327
Providing help and support for male victims of domestic violence. Calls are free. The helpline is open Mon to Fri, 10am – 1pm and 2pm – 5pm.
Revenge Porn Helpline
0845 600 0459
A dedicated support service for anyone affected by this issue in the UK. Victims come from all backgrounds, male and female, aged 18 – 60. Some incidents are perpetrated by ex partners, some by strangers, via hacking or stolen images.
Stalking Advice Line
020 3864 4107
Paladin NSAS is a trauma-informed service established in 2013, to assist high risk victims of stalking in England and Wales. Calls are free.
Loving Me
07902 478958
Support for Trans and Non-Binary victims of domestic abuse or sexual violence.
Suffolk Helplines
The Ferns
0300 123 5058
24hr Helpline. The Ferns is a SARC (Sexual Assault Referral Centre). They offer medical care and emotional support to any victim of rape and sexual assault.
Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership – Connect First
0808 800 4005
Our purpose is to work together and make sure there are arrangements for safeguarding people with care and support needs and act to minimise risk of harm and adopt a zero tolerance to abuse and neglect. Safeguarding is more than protection. It also means protecting the safety, independence and wellbeing of children and adults with care and support needs.
Human beings should live free from abuse, harm, exploitation and neglect.
Service now closed
0800 1111
ChildLine is a national counselling service for children and young people. If you’re a young person and you’re worried about something, big or small, you can speak to someone about it by calling ChildLine.
0800 999 5428
National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans+ Domestic Abuse Helpline
We support all LGBT+ people who’ve experienced hate crime, domestic abuse or sexual violence
NSPCC Helpline
0808 800 5000
If you are an adult and you have concerns about a child, you can get free, confidential advice by calling the NSPCC Helpline, available 24hrs a day.