There are many ways you can donate and support our work - and every single one makes a big difference.
Become a member
Leave a gift in your will
Online shopping
We truly appreciate all the physical donations we receive and we could not survive as an organisation without them. However, on occasion where we receive too many to cope with, they may be sold and monies used to support clients in the spirit of the initial donations.
Become a member
Become a member of Lighthouse and help local women, young people and children for as little as £25 per year. Our valued members receive a a regular newsletter, and an invite to our yearly members event.
To register your interest to become a member please complete the form below or for more information email Deb Johnson via deb@lighthousewa.org.uk.
Did you know it costs £40 to provide a crisis pack to a family fleeing domestic abuse? Or £38 to hold a one-to-one support session for a traumatised child? Every donation goes towards securing refuge and support for vulnerable women, young people and children.
Please send cheques and cash to: Lighthouse Women’s Aid, 238 Felixstowe Road , , Ipswich, IP3 9AD
Leave a gift in your will
Leaving a gift to Lighthouse in your will, or making a donation on behalf of someone else, is one of the most meaningful and lasting ways you can make a difference to future generations affected by domestic violence.
If this is something you feel you would like to do, please contact Deb.
Online shopping
If shop online you can also donate to Lighthouse at the same time, don’t forget to set Lighthouse as your favourite charity. This will provide us with income every time you make a purchase.
You can do this via Amazon Smile or The Giving Machine.